Ancestral fishing is one which is carried out with the tide, twice by day and beyond two hundred days annually. It consists of nets, ailerons and trunks at its end what imprisons fish with low tide. It is then collected with one draws and garaged at once from a truck envisaged for this purpose.


Month of fishing

the caplan Avril and May
the plaice May and June
the eperlan May at November
the coregone June and July
the sardine June at September
the herring June at September
the eel October

Since year 2000, a new type of fishing made its appearance with Isle-with-Coudres: that of the esturgeon. It is practised during May, June, August and September in boat provided with nets.

Coastal marine areas and estuaries. Out of fresh water with the reproduction.
It leaves the sea between the end May and the July beginning to come to clear out of fresh water.

The female can contain between 800 000 to 2.4 million eggs. Sexual maturity is not reached before 22 years in the female and 27 years in the male (on average). The alevins remain approximately four years out of fresh water before moving towards the sea. Characteristics: The world record of a captured specimen is black Esturgeon of 369 kg, caught in New Brunswick, it measured 4.2 meters...


- Best time for the fish abundance " in fishing " it is the night, mainly those following the full moon.

- The winds of the North-East also support the catches day labourers.